Bryanna Clark Grogan’s Vegan Feast Kitchen/ 21st Century Table: The kitchen journal of a vegan food writer.. I'm on Facebook and Twitter (see links in sidebar at right).
Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Potted Tofu" in a green salad. (The British "pot"-- or preserve-- meat or shrimp, so why not tofu?)
I hadn't made this recipe for a long time-- it is in my first
I devised this as a feta substitute after I read about the Japanese method of pickling tofu in miso
My method is a little different and the result is delicious-- I'd almost forgotten how delicious! I intend to keep some of this marinating regularly! It's very simple to make.
Printable Recipe
You can make this very smooth and soft, or more firm, depending on your taste. You can use ordinary medium-firm tofu, or firm tofu, or even extra-firm silken tofu. I use extra-firm tofu and let it marinate for about three weeks. It softens up over time.
1 lb. tofu (see text above), cut into 1/2"slices or 1/2" by 1" chunks
1 cup water
1/2 cup miso
2 tablespoons lemon juice, or rice vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Mix the marinade ingredients together and immerse the tofu in the marinade in a suitable covered container. It should be fully covered. A canning jar will do fine, but I used a small pottery casserole. Keep it refrigerated for at least 1 1/2 weeks or up to 3 weeks.
Fish the tofu carefully out of the Marinade.
You can carefully rinse off the tofu with cold water, if you like. It will keep in a covered container for a week or so. For longer storage, I pour canola oil over the tofu (to cover)-- I didn't rinse it-- and add garlic cloves (peeled), dried red hot peppers, and herbs such as bay leaves, rosemary, sage leaves, etc.. You can also add strips of orange or lemon zest and some olives.
The tofu will keep (refrigerated) in the oil for many weeks. (Both the marinade and the oil can be reused for the next batch.)
Before serving, you can rinse the oil off (gently) under warm water.
Use as you would feta cheese!
pickled tofu,
potted tofu,
preserved tofu,
Tofu Feta,
vegan feta
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This sounds amazing! I am going to make it tomorrow. Well I should say start it tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.
You are a genius, as always. I'm going to need to invent a recipe soon to use this.
Potted tofu looks delicious?!
Oh my goodness...I love your tofu feta recipe, and I cannot wait to try this! Question, though--if the only miso I have access to is a darker red miso, how should I adjust the recipe? I am assuming I will need less...any suggestions?
Wow, this brings back memories of when I used to regularly make your tofu miso cheeze. Sorry if I mangled the recipe name -- I just remember how much I enjoyed the result! I believe I did use a darker miso for that one b/c it was what I had on hand. I look forward to trying this variation.
On another note, I just went to look at your first cookbook (which my family & friends have LOVED) and realized it's 3000 miles away in my mom's pantry, along with two of your other books. :-/ At least I still have Nonna's Italian Kitchen here!
Hi Bryanna - this is not relevant to your most recent post, but it's such a good idea that I just cannot resist telling you about it. Possibly (probably?) you already know this, but just in case you don't......
I recently bought a SoyaPowerPlus soymilk maker (I had been using a SoyaJoy basic model for years and years). I love the new one, btw. [Soy plus rice] milk is delicious and so creamy that I must dilute it about half/half with water.
But that's not what I wanted to tell you about. I had been straining the soymilk through a permanent coffee filter, as suggested on the manufacturer's website. But that was really a terrible nuisance and kept me standing at the sink for fully 10 to 15 minutes every time I made soymilk. (I have arthritis of the spine and standing at the sink is PAINFUL so I try to avoid it.)
I finally remembered the existence of a conical strainer, often called a 'chinois' (after it's resemblance to a Chinese hat). Some of them have ultra-fine mesh.
I located one and bought it. I picked this particular one because it has extra fine mesh and it is LARGE. It's made of stainless steel. This is the perfect tool for the job, in my opinion.
WHOOSH and most of the soymilk has gone through; a quick press with an oversized rubber spatula or wooden paddle, and the rest goes through. Time spent standing at sink: about one minute.
It's so large that I must hang it on the wall from a cuphook, but this is OK with me.
This is the one I bought:
It was on sale for $19.95 when I bought it a few weeks ago; but now it is $28.40. I think it's well worth the cost even at that price. The same outfit also has oversized rubber spatulas and I bought a couple from them.
From their website, I believe they will ship to Canada, but you could probably locate a Canadian supplier instead.
I've recently bought both 'Nonna's Italian Kitchen' and 'Dairy Free and Delicious' b/c I have developed an allergy to dairy products. I think so highly of both books (especially 'Nonna's') that I then bought a second copy of each and gave them to my daughter who shares the dairy allergy. She is absolutely delighted with them too.
I had bought your original book when it first came out, and have now bought all your cookbooks. Thanks for your hard work developing so many very good recipes.
Pat Meadows
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Thanks for your kind words, AND the chinois, Pat! I'm going to get one!!
Pat--Ii think i might try a jelly bag instead-- it's cheaper!
Well, I've made every single recipe out of your first cookbook, and many are family faves now! So, I'll have to look this one up again. Thanks for reminding me. :)
The chinois is probably more costly in Canada too. Most things are, I believe. (I lived in Edmonton for two years a long time ago.)
I'm trying to simplify my cooking and housekeeping so that it will be easier and faster as I age (I'll be 66 next month). So I don't want a cloth bag to wash each time. I agree that one would work, however.
Well, maybe you can recommend the chinois to others in a future cookbook. :) It really is too good an idea to keep to myself!
I am going to make this over the weekend...anyone have *any* advice on how much of a "darker" red/brownish miso to use? I am thinking 1/2 the amount, as I think it is saltier than lighter variates??
Any input would be really helpful!
Courtenay, I would use 2/3 the amount-- I don't think it's twice as salty as the lighter variety.
sounds really interesting!! something I have not come across so far. Expect to try it soon.
Thanks so much Bryanna--I can't wait to try it!
I have just put up my tofu. I am really interested in the results. The recipe was nicely presented and easy to put together. I am enjoying your site.
Thank you,
Pat, I got a jelly strainer (for $9) and it works great! I blogged about it here:
Thanks Bryanna for such a great recipe! It looks a great way to marinate tofu and I can't wait to try it out. Thanks a lot.
This looks amazing- I have been trying to come up with a feta substitute for years and nothing has quite hit the spot. I can't wait to try this. Gorgeous!
I made this, and loved it. Also, I ended up keeping some of this in the marinade for way longer than 3 weeks and it just got better and better, though the tofu became more and more fermented and ended up as a sort of delicious slime that I used in a chipotle-flavoured salad dressing that was absolutely out of this world. Even my *dad* asked for the recipe. So, yeah, this is definitely a winner ;-)
Such a lovely treat to share. I made it and have been eating it out of the pot ( marinade) for weeks. It is sooo good on toast with your cashew mayo . Thanks so much Bryanna. I like all your your recipes as they always turn out perfectly the way they supposed to. I have been missing cheese for so long and even bought books on vegan cheese making but they tasted terrible and they were loaded with calories and fat. I bought all your books I can as Kindle edition. I am going to try your cream cheese next from your
" Almost fat-free cookbook"
Thank you, Judy! I'm so glad that you are enjoying the "potted tofu"! Have a wonderful Holiday season!
I found the recipe I thought I had gotten from you some time in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Directions aren't exact as I handwrote them...
1 lb firm tofu
1/2 C miso
2 C hot water
1 tsp sugar
Cut tofu into 1" cubes. Steam tofu for 10 minutes.
Mix miso & sugar in 2 C hot water and stir to dissolve.
Let mixture cool to warm.
Pour mix over tofu in container and cover.
Put in refrigerator and shake gently every day.
Ready to eat in about a week.
I haven't tried your update but always enjoyed this particular recipe and rarely could wait a whole week before eating.
Pretzel-- Hmmmm...I don't remember ever steaming the tofu or using hot water and sugar. This is the same recipe as in my first book, The Almost No-Fat Cookbook, from 1994.
I am so glad I found this recipe, and I am eager to try it, especially since I have all the ingredients at home. I have a question, though: how long do you have to marinate the tofu before it is ready. In another recipe, I read 4 weeks on the counter + 1 week in the fridge. (I believe 1 1/2 week is how long the "feta" will keep?)
Also, I do not see anything about sterilizing the jar and water. I guess, it is not necessary/advisable? Your answer on these would be greatly appreciated.
Anonymous, you can use it the next day, or, as it says in the recipe, up to 3 weeks. It keeps getting stronger and softer. You can sterilize the jar if you like-- mine are dishwasher cleaned, so I don't bother. if you eventually rain it and store in oil, it will keep for several weeks, as long as it's covered with oil.
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