Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Dried Peruvian Panca and Mirasol chiles

Last Thursday, DH and I went to Vancouver for a few days. Among other things, we enjoyed a big family party for my cousin Chris' birthday, and visited with a whole passle of cousins, nieces, and nephews, and my youngest daughter and SIL, and my youngest grandson. The weather was pleasant, the food was great, and it was fun catching up with everyone!

On Saturday, Chris' partner Roxanne drove me, with my daughter Justine, all over Vancouver looking for a Norpro ravioli rolling pin, but I couldn't find one, so I ended up ordering one on ebay! I've heard really good things about this implement, so I'll report back when I've tried it!

We also were on the lookout for Peruvian ingredients. We found them at, of all places, the Killarney Market on 49th! What fun!

Here are some more of my purchases, which I will also report on when I've tried them:

Yellow pepper paste and canned Aji Amarillo

Trigo mote, a knd of wheat that is used in delicious pilaf/risotto kind of dishes, and a proprietary huacatay sauce (huacatay is an herb that tastes like a cross between mint and cilantro).

Huacatay paste, "Papa seca" (Peruvian freeze-dried potatoes, an ancient food that's used in stews), and, in the back, achiote paste (annatto), which is used in Peruvian kebabs (anticuchos).

That night DH, cousin Chris and his partner Roxanne and I judged a stand-up comedy competition benefit for the Vancouver Food Bank. That was fun, too, but we were up way past my bedtime! We unanimously chose Luis Moncayo, a Columbian immigrant who was both smart AND funny!

Stay tuned for my experiments!



  1. Hi Bryanna,

    Can't wait for your experiments! :-)

    Mitchell and I just came back from Alaska Cruise. Had a great time! Sceneries were awesome and the weather was good. We only encountered a drizzle in Ketchikan. We ended up in Vancouver but didn't stop and stay overnight. We only went from the dock to the airport. Maybe next time we'll go to Vancouver and Vancouver Island again.


  2. That would be great, SIV! Glad you guys had a great time-- it's beautiful and sunny now, though.

    I hope wo be cooking up a Peruvian storm in the fall!
