Thursday, March 30, 2006


This will be my last post for a week because I'm off to the above vegan chef's conference (the first!)at the crack of dawn on Saturday, April 1st. (Tomorrow, Friday, I'll be at work at the library, and today is packing day!). I get to Grand Rapids, MI that evening, try to have a good night's sleep, and then prep all day Sunday and Monday morning for my seitan-making workshop Monday afternoon. Wish me luck! I'm in exalted company! Besides Chef/Instructor Kevin Dunn, who organized the conference and is amazingly calm (!!), there will be:

Ken Bergeron, first chef to win a gold Medal in the Culinary Olympics with Vegetarian Cuisine.

Ian Brandt, chef at Sages Cafe, Salt Lake City, Utah

Fran Costigan, vegan baking instructor and cookbook author, New York, NY, and, I'm honoured to say, a friend

David Lee, President, Field Roast Grain Meats, Seattle, Washington

Ron Pickarski, 7-time Culinary Olympics medalist (including gold), President and executive chef /consultant for Eco-Cuisine, Cookbook Author

Tanya Petrovna, Chef, Native Food Restaurant, Four vegetarian restaurants in California

Eric Tucker, Chef, Millennium Restaurant, cookbook author, San Francisco, California

Chad Sarno, Executive Chef/Owner, Counter and Vital Creations, New York City, NY

and me. (No wonder I'm nervous!)

The keynote speaker will be the great Howard Lyman, "The Mad Cowboy"

I'll be reporting on my experiences when I get back.

In the meantime:

Homemade Fresh Tofu with Sundried Tomatoes and Artichokes

The following is a short description of a dish I did the other day, quickly using up the last of our fresh tofu. (The recipe will be in the next issue of my subscription newsletter, The Vegan Feast.) In case you missed that the other day, tofu eaten the same day it's made, or within a day or two of making, tastes lovely-- kind of like ricotta cheese--- and needs only minimal preparation and seasoning to please. Really! Trust me! Homemade is the best, of course, but if you can find out what day(s) the bulk tofu is delivered to your health food store (and you can ask the tofu makers if it's made the day it is delivered), you can make sure to buy some and use it that day for maximum tofu delight!

I have made this dish before, both with my own homemade tofu and fresh tofu from my health food store. This last time (photo below), I added Kalamata olives to the recipe. It's a quick dish to make and absolutely delicious. A little wine and fresh rosemary makes all the difference.

Have a good week!

Fresh (storebought) Tofu with Sundried Tomatoes and Artichokes (with olives)


  1. Wow! That conference is going to be awesome!! I can't wait to hear your reports when you return. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!

  2. Sounds like fun - you'll be great I'm sure! I love Millenium restaurant and think Eric Tucker is a genius :-) I got to meet Howard Lyman at World Vegetarian Day once - he's quite a character. Have a good time and happy cooking!

  3. The tofu dish looks great. I'll have to wait until I get somemore sundried tomatoes before trying this. I'll be working on some previous newsletter recipes this week that include mango.

    I wish I could stowaway to the conference with you!

  4. Good luck and have fun, Bryanna! We will be fasting until you come back. ;-)


  5. Good luck, though you never need it! Have a great time; and the recipes look great!

  6. Oh My--I hope the first conference is one of many! I'd love to attend in the future. The dish looks beautiful--I'm sure it tastes great too.


    p.s. I've always wanted to meet "Brother Ron" I can't wait to hear what he's like!

  7. I'll be checking back to hear about your conference - Congratulations & I hope you enjoy! I'm so glad I found your blog...I added a link so I can find my way back..I can't wait to try a recipe. :o)

  8. Hey, fantastic that there are now conferences for vegan chefs! I hope you have a great time, and come back to further inspire us with even more fantastic recipes. :-)

    Do you take your own photographs by the way? Because I think taking excellent pictures of food is an art, and not enough people know how to do it. The pictures really make this website look wonderful.

  9. I prefer paneer, the indian cottage cheese for this... I am not sure if you take diary products.. I have some home made paneer recipes

  10. Honey, I'm home! Back in Canada... will be writing my impressions tomorrow. it was great! And there will be more conferences.

    I do take my own photos, Mary-- on the run before they get cold, so we can eat them!

    Tony...I don't use any dairy, that's why I use fresh tofu. I have made paneer before I was a vegan. Thanks for the offer!
